This is your first visit. You can download new web enabled versions* of our single titles from this page, or purchase CD editions if you prefer*. All purchases provide demo versions, instructions and access to our Financial Equations & Formula Directory. If you prefer to purchase collections of related programs and files* for $10 extra please turn to our Bundles page. If you prefer to purchase all programs and files listed below plus additional free Excel files, functions and add-ins available in our All Programs Index, please turn to our All Programs Edition page. FREE MS Office file sharing Standard service is available for 6 months with any software purchased from this web page to help and support your Office file sharing/storage/transfer projects. Our MS Office Gold file sharing service is a free option with our All Programs Gold Edition purchased from this site. To activate your free SecureOffice123 file sharing service, you need to positively select this option (at no cost) within any software order form on this site. SecureOffice123.
If you have purchased any of our single or bundled software products from this site already, you can create your own 6 months SO123 file sharing/storage account here for free. Please note that if you think you may need guidance and/or significant amounts of support setting up and using your SO123 account or your application software, consider purchasing our Annual Support Service option. This provides a continuing support at all levels (starter and advanced) plus additional file type storage abilities within SO123 (e.g. graphics files). The support option is contained within any purchase form on this site.
If you have Excel XP, or Excel 2000/2002/2003 and Windows 2000/XP it is better to work with the newer versions of our business finance applications listed on this page. If you are working with Mac OS, Excel 97 it is better to select our Bundled versions. To order and download with your PayPal account, click any of these icons corresponding to your selection.
To order using your Visa or MasterCard, click any of these icons below corresponding to your selection. *Use this option if you wish to purchase CD editions. You can also try accountants in Singapore if you are having a problem in managing the accounting aspect of your business. They provide cost effective services so you can definitely save a lot of money compared hiring to your own accountant.
Now installed within our new single versions are permanent web query links that grab data from financial web sites where we believe that the data is directly relevant to the tasks performed by the spreadsheets. This will enable you to apply current and latest data and benchmark values within your financial calculations, if you wish. For example you can look up and apply imported benchmark valuation multiples in QuickValue version 4.0, you can look up link to real time US Treasury yields, inflation rates (historical as well as current), 2/3/5/10/30 year bond rates, market indexes, and cost of capital benchmarks which will enable you to work with latest and current rates for your NPV & IRR calculations. You can look up expense and profit margin benchmarks for different industry sectors in Windex 5 (financial ratio calculations) and within Master Budgeting PRO 4.6. To be able to refresh imported data you need to be working with Excel XP/2000/2002/2003 and Windows. Because we have reconfigured imported data into easy to use databases which enables Excel to Lookup these tables and retrieve selected data, our data tables do not refresh if you are working with Mac OS. You can still use the new version applications listed below with Mac OS without the ability to refresh web data, however if you are working with Mac OS the imported databases will become progressively out of date over time.