
How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend or Boyfriend Back

It’s easy to think of all sorts of crazy things to get your ex girlfriend or boyfriend back right after a break-up. Sometimes it’s the only thing on your mind, especially if you didn’t want it to happen. Your life’s a mess! You can’t even function on a day-to-day basis you’re hurting so badly. You need to get your ex back!

So you develop a plan that you think is sure to work. You’ll go where they hang out with an attractive date by your side. They’ll be so jealous you’re with someone else so soon after being dumped that your ex will take you back in an instant. Well, that’s the plan!

After parading your date around to get your ex back, you go home and wait for the results. You find you keep waiting, and there is neither a call, nor text message to you from your ex partner. Shock! Horror!

Your ‘get your ex back’ plan seemed like a sound approach at the time. Creating jealousy was a great idea, you had to succeed…Right? You were sure it would be so powerful that your ex would be falling all over her or himself to take you back. But, it didn’t work!…Why? If you have lost the spice and love from the life, then you want ex boyfriend and girlfriend back. The results are in the favor of the people when you adopt the right tips. The selection is the right one when made with the skills and intelligence. You can get more information when you select the option see more at the website. 

While the intent was certainly there for what you wanted to create, the execution of your plan for getting your ex back actually destroyed it’s chances of success.

One reason why this did not work is because your ex may have accepted that you’ve moved on. This was definitely not what you wanted them to think. But, if they see there’s no reason to stay interested, due to you already having a new partner, they believe that they need to actually move on as well. Talk about a ‘get your ex back’ plan backfiring on you!

Also, this jealousy tactic can also make you look petty and desperate, as in it can break the rules of engagement, so to speak.

Before you resort to using jealousy to get your partner back, you need to be absolutely sure nothing else will work. There may be a number of lingering personal issues between the two of you that need to be cleared up before even thinking of flaunting another guy or girl in front of them. Even if ALL avenues of getting your ex back have failed, using jealousy may simply be the thing that seals your relationship’s fate as being unsavable.

Jealousy doesn’t work mainly because of it’s negative nature. It’s very difficult to rebuild a relationship with your ex when you’re also trying to manipulate their emotions to get them to take you back. They are much more likely to push you away, and may not want to talk to you after trying to make them jealous.

No one likes having their feelings manipulated, and if you really want to get your ex back for the right reasons, you won’t resort to this sort of tactic. There are plenty of better ways to get them back into the loving relationship you once had that don’t involve using jealousy as the trigger.

Richard Administrator
Hi, this is Richard. I am a part-time writer and a full-time mother to my dog. I specialize in health and fitness writing.I love listening to Lo-Fi music
Richard Administrator
Hi, this is Richard. I am a part-time writer and a full-time mother to my dog. I specialize in health and fitness writing.I love listening to Lo-Fi music