There is an option that may be extreme, to a young patient might. But ask 15-year-old Callum Shropshire, which weighed just the beginning of this year, more than 400 pounds, and he will say that obesity surgery was a last resort.
There is a trend to do the surgery. It is a painful procedure for reducing the excessive weight from the body. The best appetite suppressant will not cause pain to the people and provides the best results. It is the best method available with the person to reduce the hunger and calories from the body.
“I have a Slim Fast and other diet and fitness programs and have tried,” said Shropshire. “It was just a lot of work, it was worth it.”
The teenager LaFayette, Georgia, said the obesity problem than the impact on their physical health. Two years ago, he said his weight affects their participation in the marching band finally had to leave the school.
“The risk of surgery is not” does not really matter because I really need to do something, “he said.” Because I was not me, I could not really tell me before all people. I felt like an outsider. “
In Shropshire, the solution in the form of obesity surgery, gastric sleeve surgery – a procedure that removes about 85 percent of the stomach. Since its operation on 3 June, Shropshire says it has more than 60 pounds. This was enough weight completely Band Camp this year possible. And it is expected that more results are on the road.
“I want to lose at least 110 pounds,” he said. “That’s my goal to reach 250.”
Stories like that of Shropshire is more often a new study published today in the journal Pediatrics recommends. The study conducted by Dr. Daniel A. virtues arte School of Medicine at UCLA, found that known in California, 2005-2007, a total of 590 young patients aged 13-20 years a popular form of bariatric surgery as laparoscopic adjustable gastric band or underwent LAGB.
Perhaps the most interesting multiplied during the two year study, the rates of the procedure in this age of five.
Most of these procedures occurred in elderly patients at the end of the age spectrum, there were only 18 percent of operations in children younger than 18 years carried out. And while the prices of this operation appears in younger patients is increasing, the prices of other invasive procedures such as gastric bypass Roux-en Y gastric known decline in this age group during the study.