No doubt, America is facing obesity epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control, thirty two states have obesity prevalence rate of around 25%. That is a staggering number, to have around 25% of the population struggling with obesity-when you consider the risks of being obese.
High blood pressure, diabetes, increase risk of cardio-vascular diseases and various other medical complications come with obesity. It is also contributing to rising cost of health care in this country and because of obesity many in this generation will have a shorter life span than their parents
Fad diets don’t work
If you want to lose few pounds or if you are struggling with obesity, it is important to skip the whole fad diet scene. Fad diets-diet programs that promise quick results without significantly altering your eating habits and life style, don’t work in the long run and could even damage your health. For improving the eating habits, the information should be gathered from nutrisystem reviews. The availability of the right and correct information is there for the benefit in the purchase of weight loss supplements. There is no damage to the health and diet of the person after checking the reviews.
Weight loss should instead be a process where you improve your eating habits and life style.
University of Maryland Medical Center says that,
“Fad diets. Often, these diets promise to help you lose a lot of weight quickly, or tell you to cut certain foods out of your diet to lose weight. “Most fad diets are not scientifically based. People can follow them for a short period of time, but you won’t be able to continue these diets for the long term,” warns Wenger Hess(a nutritionist at the University of Maryland’s Joslin Diabetes Center). “People end up craving foods they are told they can’t have, and end up going off the diet.” A quick fix is not the answer. Instead, Wenger Hess says the best approach is to focus on making small lifestyle changes you can maintain.”
Focus on lifestyle changes
I can say this from personal experience than even small lifestyle changes help in long term weight loss and weight control. I had gained lot of weight during pregnancy and the weight did not come off even for a year after my daughter’s birth.
Then I decided the changes my eating habits a little and made conscious decision to stay active-even when I could not go the gym. I would walk around the house during the day, when I had few minutes to spare; and I also cut down on my salt and sugar intake.
These were just minor changes but they made a big difference. I managed to lose my pregnancy pounds and then some and the weight has stayed off.