
When Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety

Just like humans, dogs and other animals can be afflicted with psychological problems. The primary one is separation anxiety, which has many causes, and can manifest itself into undesirable behavior. Many owners cannot properly cope with this issue, as their dog will become uncontrollable due to this health condition. While it is normal to have a decent human canine bond, some dogs are “too clingy,” and sometimes need the professional help of a trained veterinarian.

For most cases, separation anxiety can be handled by the owner. Most of this starts with the early months of owning a puppy. While it is hard to do, you must wean your new dog from being around you at every single moment. After a week of puppy ownership, where you have established the beginning of a solid relationship, start to take short trips out of the house. Make sure they do not extend over half and hour at the beginning, as it is important to build up your levels of separation at a gradual basis. Add a half hour of time every week, and your dog should be adjusted to the fact that you always return after leaving.

If you have an older dog that has separation anxiety, try playing classical music when out of the house. This sometimes soothes the dog, and some people have had luck with talk shows as well. Another excellent idea is to leave a blanket with your scent near the dog bed. This will help your dog understand that you are always close to him, and will offer an additional layer of comfort. Do check on your dog as often as your schedule permits, and always reassure him that you’ll be back soon. If you are going to be out for an extended period of time, consider hiring a dog walker to take him out for a stroll, or have a reputable neighbor check in on him.

For most dogs, these techniques will be enough. However, there are extreme cases,where separation anxiety can cause serious behavioral problems. There have been instances where owners have come back to a house that has been destroyed by the dog, or where this condition can lead to additional health problems. This is where it is crucial to get medical treatment for your dog, and a well trained veterinarian should be able to find the proper prescription. Dogs can handle some therapeutic drugs that were originally designed for humans, and these can be a big help in alleviating some of the pain caused by separation anxiety. There are also canine psychologists, who might be able to assist you with behavior modification. To help you more, you can check some reviews, tips and articles that talk about the separation anxiety of dogs. Blog posts and some tutorials will help you to know the right and proper techniques to deal with your anxious dog.

Thankfully, most dogs do not suffer from this medical condition, and the ones that do are usually mild cases. A lot of these problems can be reduced or eliminated by early training, and showing your four legged friend love and understanding. Spending time with them, and making sure that they have proper exercise, has been scientifically proven to help with this health issue. Since dogs experience similar emotions that humans do, the best thing you can do for them is to watch out for this condition, and get treatment for it if necessary.

Richard Administrator
Hi, this is Richard. I am a part-time writer and a full-time mother to my dog. I specialize in health and fitness writing.I love listening to Lo-Fi music
Richard Administrator
Hi, this is Richard. I am a part-time writer and a full-time mother to my dog. I specialize in health and fitness writing.I love listening to Lo-Fi music